Boston Scientific join ISE

This week, Boston Scientific joined the Advisory Board of University of Limerick’s Immersive Software Engineering programme. The company announced a major financial commitment in the new programme at UL. It will underwrite a classroom suite for the first group of ISE students arriving in September 2022.

On the announcement, Michael Keane, New Products Site Lead said ‘Boston Scientific Clonmel is committed to the Mid-West and to the next generation of ISE students. Each student will play an important role in Ireland’s future economic growth, and the development of innovative medical devices and digital health technologies which are critical in achieving our goal of transforming patient lives.’

UL Foundation’s CEO, Harvey Duthie welcomed the announcement and thanked Boston Scientific for its investment in UL, which also included the first gift to MULtiply, our match giving initiative focused on early career researchers.  

Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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