ISE meet Soapbox Labs

Software knits the world together. We tell ourselves that, with a click, you can talk to Tullamore or Toyko. That is only partially true. Many groups do not have equal access to the network of connections that defines our world. Some are children, who need a new solution to help them learn, play, and enter this new digital world.

The problem being solved by Dr Patricia Scanlon and her team at Soapbox Labs is a fundamental one: how to ensure speech recognition software works for children. The technology they have developed is world-class, of course, but the ethos of the company is what really impresses you when you meet them. They are committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion. They are the kind of people ISE want to work with, and we are honoured Dr Scanlon is a member of ISE’s Industry Advisory Board.

ISE students in residencies at Soapbox Labs will work with the best software engineers in the business, solving a problem affecting children and their families all over the world. The combination of technical excellence and social relevance is precisely what we want to foster at ISE, so we made a video showing you who you’ll be working with during your residency, and introducing you to Dr Scanlon and her colleagues at Soapbox. Enjoy!

Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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