Webinar for students and parents

ISE webinar for students and parents. Learn more about UL’s brand new programme, the BSc/MSc in Immersive Software Engineering at this Webinar for Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Parents and Students. You’ll learn about; Course Content, Admissions Criteria, Portfolio Requirements and Student Life on the Course.

Learn more about UL’s brand new programme, the BSc/MSc in Immersive Software Engineering at this Webinar for Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Parents and Students. You’ll learn about; Course Content, Admissions Criteria, Portfolio Requirements and Student Life on the Course.

Immersive Software Engineering is a unique collaboration between the academics of the University of Limerick and some of the most innovative companies in the world. Our team spans multiple disciplines, and we are supported by three boards that guide our work. The Scientific Advisory Board ensures teaching and research are performed to the highest international standard.

Our Young Advisory Board exists as a group of mentors and advisors for our faculty and students. Our Industry Advisory Board advises the ISE team on the best connections of academia to industry. Learn more about the team involved here.

Everyone involved is passionate about making ISE a success by providing a delightful experience for our students.

Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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