3 Events in 3 days

On Thursday, June 2nd, ISE hosted “The International Advisory Board (IAB)’ at the Keating room of Plassey House, following a fantastic lunch in the East room restaurant.

The IAB members discussed many topics to ensure ISE is prepared to give the very best to our first cohort of students arriving at the beginning of September. Special thanks to John Collison, President of Stripe, for chairing the meeting, via zoom and to Nigel Healy, Provost, at the University of Limerick for attending.

John Collison of Stripe on Screen chairing the ISE International Advisory Board meeting via Zoom.

On Tuesday, June 7th, ISE hosted “ISE: Inspiration Projects and Portfolio Clinic”.

Over 20 students and parents from around the country travelled to the Nexus Innovation Centre at the University of Limerick for our Immersive Software Engineering Inspires Workshop. This workshop was aimed at assisting 4th, 5th & 6th years who are interested in Software Engineering and who are potentially going to submit an ISE Portfolio.

Students met with the ISE team and discussed their future portfolio projects and ideas! Students and teachers alike found the day very inspiring and a lot of fun.

During the workshop 6th year student Caitlin Earle of St. Flannan’s College, Ennis, was presented with a new PlayStation5 for her winning entry into our Instagram competition.

Pictured is a collage of images of students meeting with the ISE team at the portfolio inspiration workshop

On Thursday, June 9th, ISE hosted many of our Residency Partners for a workshop at the Millstream common room in UL.  This workshop covered a multitude of topics, the ISE team and partner companies engaged in discussions about learning by doing, residency curriculum, and future steps, to ensure ISE students get the best experience and outcome from their time spent with these top companies.

ISe Residency Partner Meeting 9th June
Immersive Software Engineering at University of Limerick student Fiona Barrett (third from right) celebrates winning Hack Ireland grand prize with team mates

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